In 2020, building energy consumption accounted for 23% of the total final energy consumption in ASEAN countries, according to IEA. Without improvements in energy efficiency and increased use of renewable energies, the region's building energy consumption is expected to rise by about 60% by 2030 and 120% by 2040.



PEEB ASEAN aims to support partner states in transforming the buildings sector through the promotion of sustainable designs and constructions. Its goal is to contribute to reducing the energy intensity of the ASEAN countries by 32% by 2025 and achieving the Net Zero Emissions target.


Service Offer

PEEB ASEAN combines two modes of action:

  • Institutional support

Implemented by the ASEAN Centre for Energy, this component aims to create a favorable framework for building energy efficiency in the region through four modes of action:

    • Development of recommendations to evolve public policies and regulatory frameworks
    • Development of a regional digital hub to share information and raise awareness among energy stakeholders
    • Capacity building for high-level political decision-makers on energy efficiency in buildings
    • Implementation of tailor-made activities based on the needs of countries identified during the feasibility study


  • Investment grant & technical assistance

Feasibility studies, architectural design, construction supervision, impact assessment: PEEB ASEAN supports projects at each phase of their advancement. These projects are carried out by the AFD Group (AFD, Proparco, Expertise France) or by partners, in synergy with the group's activities and PEEB's objectives.

PEEB ASEAN mobilizes international technical experts to strengthen the capacities of partners in designing and implementing high-energy and environmental performance-building projects. It can provide investment grants in addition to financing from AFD or Proparco to stimulate and facilitate the consideration of buildings' energy performance and bioclimatic design.


Partner Countries

Through the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE), the program will benefit 10 countries: Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam.


Financing and Financial Tools

PEEB ASEAN is funded with 5 million EUR by the French Development Agency (AFD). It combines:

  • A 2 million EUR grant to finance institutional support activities implemented by the ASEAN Centre for Energy
  • A project preparation technical assistance facility of 1.5 million EUR
  • An investment grant of 1.5 million EUR for projects financed by the AFD Group and its partners




ASEAN Centre for Energy Secures Grant from Agence Française de Développement to Enhance Energy Efficiency in ASEAN Building Sector through the PEEB ASEAN Initiative

A diverse group of people gathers for the PEEB ASEAN signature Ceremony. Group includes men, women, and people with disabilities.

Representatives from France, ASEAN, and PEEB ASEAN partner countries gather for the PEEB ASEAN agreement signature. Credit: ASEAN Secretariat